Friday, June 3, 2011

June 1 Weigh In

As of June 1 God has taken off 64 lbs and still going.  I am so thankful.  It gets easier everyday and the desire to overeat is completely gone.
I have seen several shows on TV lately about overeating and weird eating habits. My heart breaks for anyone suffering from any kind of addiction. Jesus is the answer. He can set you totally free. Yes, diets, counseling, can help you lose weight but if you were anything like me you will gain it back and then some extra. That was me, I could lose it and I could gain it but the desire not to want food was impossible until God showed me the way. God took the desire to want to overeat away, how awesome is that?! God wants us all to be free from slavery and bondage to addictions. Christians live in bondage too, not just lost people, but God wants freedom for his Children!! If you truly want this cycle to be over of dieting then binging take the step! Watch the videos for free at and let God set you free!!! I truly believe the videos are anointed because everyone I try to explain this too doesn't really get the conviction from God until they see the videos, but once they do they get it!! I am so happy to say several people have joined me in this and they too are losing weight and being set free!!! We serve an awesome God who wants the best for us, in obedience we receive blessings and freedom!! Don't wait start today!!!!

Galatians 5

1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

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